Extensive due diligence is carried out before we work with suppliers or commission them to start production. We endeavour to identify all subcontractors involved in order to achieve complete transparency in our supply chain. FALKE KGaA requires all suppliers to comply with our specified spheres of activity through the Code of Conduct and the Policy Statement. Suppliers must sign this FALKE Policy Statement in order to work together with FALKE KGaA. To reinforce this in the supply chain, we carry out regular supplier inspections/visits to our suppliers. This also includes access to production facilities on an ad hoc basis. To support this, we request certificates from our suppliers for recognised standards and industry initiatives in accordance with the FALKE Quality Guideline.
We also require all our suppliers to comply with the FALKE Policy Statement on Responsible Business Practices. We also encourage ongoing dialogue to discuss and further develop our regulations. Furthermore, our suppliers are encouraged to convey our values throughout the supply chain and to ensure compliance with the FALKE Policy Statement and the FALKE Code of Conduct.

We share both the FALKE Code of Conduct and the FALKE Policy Statement on Responsible Business Practices to educate and to raise awareness of human rights issues and the environmental responsibility our actions involve. Training for managers and employees is in the pipeline and will be added to the mandatory programme for staff in these groups.

FALKE KGaA encourages everyone, from employees to customers, to report environmental and human rights risks and violations. In the event of any breaches of this Policy Statement, the Code of Conduct or applicable legislation, reports can be submitted anonymously or disclosing your identity at any time via the official complaints procedure system. The system and the respective procedure can be found here: https://falkegermanylksg.integrityline.com/frontpage. FALKE employees have the additional option of using an internal whistleblower system.

Implementation of the FALKE Policy Statement on Responsible Business Practices is not the responsibility of a centralised body, but is instead the decentralised responsibility of all members of the Executive Board. We see compliance with the voluntary commitment as the collective responsibility of FALKE KGaA. We ensure that each department, from Finance to Supply Chain Management, takes responsibility for implementing our rules and control mechanisms.

FALKE takes every complaint and every report from its employees and external whistleblowers seriously. We will not tolerate any violations of applicable legislation or the standards we have imposed. If we become aware of any violation of our own self-imposed principles, we will take appropriate steps and measures.

As part of our risk management, we document the risk classification of our suppliers and our own sites in relation to our spheres of activity, as well as the measures we have implemented to minimise risk. We also document any breaches of our Policy Statement. The report on the fulfilment of our due diligence obligations will be published on the FALKE website.

The FALKE Policy Statement on Responsible Business Practices at FALKE KGaA was adopted by the Managing Partners and the Executive Board on 1 December 2023.