Requirements catalogue for suppliers

Version 0.1


1.1 General

This document is a catalogue of requirements for the further collaboration between the FALKE KGaA (subsequent FALKE) and their suppliers. It defines which information and data a supplier must provide to FAKLE, to support the internal processes and to guarantee a smooth receipt of goods.

FALKE checks incoming goods within 5 working days after delivery. Differences, which could not be found out during the goods receive will be posted by FALKE logistics towards the supplier. Differences, which are not in responsibility of FALKE must be taken over by the supplier.

Due to the high impact of this document for internal processes FALKE reserves itself the right to completely decline a consignment or to bill the efforts to the supplier if the requirements are not met willful or careless.

It’s the supplier’s duty to make sure that this information gets to all responsible positions within its organization. This is also mandatory for the whole supply chain.

1.2. Release

Role Name Phone E-Mail Remarks
Written by C. Hammer
Controlled by
Release department


2. Basic conditions

2.1 Acceptance times

The delivery times are different for each location. The delivery times and delivery addresses per location are listed below. No deliveries are accepted outside these times and on legal holidays in the respective country / province.


Falke KGaA zentrales Garnlager
Ohlgasse 5
57392 Schmallenberg

Opening times:

Monday – Thursday 07:00 – 14:00
Friday 07:00 – 12:00 Uhr

Excluded are individual agreements.


FALKE Strumpffabrik GmbH
Fabrikstraße 4
08297 Zwönitz

Opening times:

Monday – Friday 06:00 – 14:30


FALKE Slovakia s.r.o.
Mierová 1
Svit 059 21

Opening times:

Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 15:00


Falke KGaA Zentrales Materiallager Aufmachungen
An der Robbecke 24
57392 Schmallenberg

Opening times:

Monday – Thursday 06:00 – 14:00
Friday 06:00 – 11:00 Uhr

2.2 Delivery vehicles

The delivery vehicle must be able to ramp, i.e. the loading area must be at least 2 m wide and at least 1 m away from the ground.

A minimum clearance of 10 cm must be maintained between the load and the door. This is required since this is the minimum support area for the unloading lamp on the loading area.

Side unloading is not possible, the vehicle must be unloaded on the back.

Third-party equipment should not block any FALKE, as this will hinder the smooth and efficient unloading process.

3. Freight and Accompanying Information

3.1 Notification

Information about the goods to be delivered must be submitted to the FALKE Group at the earliest possible date. Ideally, this is done via an electronic exchange format (EDI, etc.). Furthermore, the delivery note accompanying the consignment must be submitted in advance, bevor the delivery is arriving at its destination.

The transferred data must correspond exactly with the contents of the described transmission.

There are different ways for electronic exchange, which are agreed individually. Communication via EDI, via Excel / XML structures and a supplier portal are available.

3.2 Waybill

A shipment must always be assigned a freight letter. The consignment note must contain the following information:

- Vendor number (FALKE)
- Vendor name
- Address sender
- Addressee
- Included Order Numbers (FALKE)
- Number of pallets / packages
- Weight of the total transmission

3.3 Delivery Slip

Each consignment must be accompanied by one or more delivery notes. A delivery note must only refer to one order number, one purchase order can contain several delivery notes.

This delivery note must contain the following information (in any order):

  1. header information
  • - delivery receipt number
  • - tracking number
  • - FALKE Order number
  1. Position Information
  • - FALKE article number
  • - FALKE color number
  • - Description of the quality (in Nm)
  • - Net weight
  • - Number of coils / pieces etc.
  • - Conditioned weight (yarns)
  • - Part number / batch number
  • - Number of charge carriers (boxes)

As described in section 6.1 Notification, each delivery note must be electronically advised before receipt of the consignment.

Delivery notes must be affixed externally on the carton. A separate delivery note must be used for this purpose.

3.4 Carton labeling (yarns)

Each carton delivered must be individually labeled with a label. This label has the dimensions 16.2 x 11 cm and must contain at least the following information:

  1. carrier number
  2. charge
  3. FALKE item number
  4. FALKE color number
  5. Quality (bold and big)
  6. Number of coils
  7. Weight / coil
  8. Net quantity in KG

In the case of point 1, care must be taken that the number of each individual charge carrier is absolutely one-to-one (unambiguous), i.e. a numbering of 1 - n for each shipment is not permitted!

Allgemeine Anforderungen


3.5 Yarn Coils/Bobbins labeling

Each coil must be clearly identifiable. Furthermore, each coil must contain the following information:

  1. Supplier
  2. Yarn count and name (dtex/Nm)
  3. FALKE article number
  4. FALKE color code
  5. Batch number / lot number

Ideally, the information can be scanned from data matrix codes or barcodes which are also part of the labels.

3.6 Charge carries

Each load carrier must be individually marked. This applies throughout the transmission. In addition, only goods from an order item can be grouped into one load carrier. Goods from several order items in a load carrier are not permitted.

Copies of all delivery notes associated with a consignment must also be collected (in a delivery note pocket) attached to any carton.

3.7 Invoices

All invoices must be sent by e-mail with information of the delivery note and order number to the invoice address of the known contact on FALKE side.

All invoices must comply with the provisions of the German UstG § 14, 14a.

An invoice must only refer to a delivery note and an order. If an order is to be sent in several partial deliveries, one invoice per delivery note must be made accordingly.

Invoices must not be part of the goods delivery.

3.8 Import goods

Goods that are sent from a third country must contain the following information on the invoice:

Customs number
