0 Verlanglijst 0 Winkelwagen


Oststraße 5
D-57392 Schmallenberg

Telefoon: 00800 - 22 033 022
E-Mail: online@falke.com

Vertegenwoordigd door de commanditaire vennoten
Franz-Peter Falke GmbH, AG Arnsberg, HRB 7590
(Vertegenwoordigingsbevoegde Franz-Peter Falke)
Paul Falke GmbH, AG Arnsberg, HRB 7593
(Vertegenwoordigingsbevoegde Paul Falke)

Voorzitter van de raad van bestuur
Dr. Reinhard Zinkann

Inschrijving in het register
Registratierechtbank: Amtsgericht Arnsberg
Registratienummer: HRB 7738

BTW-identificatienummer conform §27 a van het Duitse Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 125915122

Information on the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform and on participation in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer complaint office According to current law, we are obliged to inform consumers of the existence of the European online dispute resolution platform, which can be used for the settlement of disputes without bring it to court. For the establishment of the platform, the European Commission is responsible. The European online dispute resolution platform is available under the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. The seller has no obligation and is not prepared to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration agency.