FALKE Store Den-Haag

About FALKE in Den-Haag

Located very close to the Royal Palace of Labour, in Noordeinde, this FALKE store with its exclusive design fits perfectly into the avant-garde environment consisting of art galleries, high-end fashion stores and historical monuments. Here, shopping becomes a culturally inspiring experience. The entire FALKE range awaits you here, legwear for women, men and KIDS, as well as knitted outerwear for men and a large selection of the FALKE Ergonomic Sports Series.

Noordeinde 5
NL-2514 GA Den Haag
Tel: (+31)70 / 20 00 189
Fax: (+31)70 / 20 00 157
Opening hours
Monday 12pm - 6pm
Tuesday to Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 6.30pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm
         The offer
         In this shop we offer you:
    • Women Fine
    • Women Knitwear
    • Bodies
    • Men
    • Kids
    • ESS
    • Fashion